languages=Languages lang_to_use_default=To use the default value (shown under each input box), just leave the box empty.
the tab key will visit unset strings first. cannot_write_strings_file=Cannot save strings file: %s cannot_write_compiled_file=Cannot save compiled language file: %s lang_write_access=Please allow write access for this file for the webserver user. lang_reload=Then reload this page, or copy the text in the following box and save it as the file specified above. lang_cannot_make_dir=Cannot make directory: %s  Check permissions or create it manually. lang_do_not_modify_comp=Do NOT modify this file - it is auto-generated lang_modified=%s modified. lang_compile=Compile lang_recompile=Re-compile lang_recompile_all=Re-compile all lang_compiled=%s compiled. charset_note=utf-8 recommended for unicode languages server_settings=Server Settings user_groups=User Groups set_space_memberships=Set %s memberships edit_membership=Edit memberships