Interact Languages

The recommended way to edit languages is through the server admin - languages page

If adding a new language, please find a unique 2-letter code (if available, otherwise use the 3-letter code), as found here:

If creating a dialect within a language (e.g. U.S. English spelling), use - suffixes (e.g. en-us)
You can also make special sub-dialects for your Interact installation (e.g. en-us-myserver or en-us-myserver-special)

If creating a new language which is related to another translation (i.e. shares some words), you may use round brackets after the code (e.g. nnn(es))

The first portion of the code must be 2 or 3 letters.
Add the new language code using the 'add new code' button (or create the folder /language/lang-code/strings/)

Click the language to edit strings.
Any string with the same spelling as the default should be left blank.
Languages are automatically 'compiled' for use when you modify them from the web page. If you manually modify the language string files, you will still need to compile them on the languages page.

To disable a language, delete the 'language/lang-code/strings/compiled' folder.
To re-enable, visit the languages page, and re-compile the language.

To delete a language permanently, delete the folder 'language/lang-code'.